Exhibition Dates: October 4 - 27, 2024 9/5 Application Deadline (midnight Thursday) 9/9-11 Standards Committee Selections 9/13 Notifications Posted (on this page) 10/1 Drop Off, Tuesday 11 am - 4 pm 9/29 Early drop of by appointment only, 12pm - 3pm. Please email [email protected] to reserve space. Do not call the gallery. 10/3 Open for Visitors, Thursday 10 am 10/4 Reception Friday 6-8 pm, Presentation & Guest Speakers @ 6:45 pm. 10/27 Halloween Disco Party 4pm - 8pm. 11/5 Pick Up, Tuesday 11 am - 4 pm Judge: Ukwensi Chappelle While living on Maui (1996-2013); Ukwensi immersed himself in the local contemporary art scene by representing a wide variety of artworks in popular galleries in Lahaina and Wailea. With strong encouragement of gallery owners, artists, and close family, Ukwensi moved from Maui back to Virginia and in April of 2018 “Gallerie Ukwensi” opened in the heart of Ghent, Norfolk. This unique award-winning gallery showcases his mixed media paintings along with esteemed artists such as Clayton Singleton, Mark Miltz, and Gia Labidi as well as new, exciting cutting-edge artists from all over Hampton Roads. HIS ART: Living his life by the Ancient Greek philosophy of “Gnothi Seauton” -Know Thyself’, Ukwensi’s art is Inspired by the spiritual connection he has with the Universe. His paintings or “My Windows to Your Imagination”as he calls it, are created on canvas with a mixture of powdered pigments, enamels, glass, and controlled movement. His hope is for every viewer to use their imagination and see what they see is true to their experience with each piece….a connection with spirit itself. Awards:
Special Rules:
Interpretation of Theme: Aware '24 "With an Open Heart" is a statewide exhibit open to artistic interpretation. Submitted art should reflect positive and enlighten artwork that lifts the Pride Community as well as educates nonmembers of its diverse group of people. This exhibit will include a community art project that involves creating hearts that will become one large heart. For more information about this aspect of the exhibit click on the following link. Aware '24 With an Open Heart (artcentervb.org) Eligibility:
Entry Fee:
To Submit:
Drop Off and Pick Up of Art:
ATTENTION: Read ALL GENERAL RULES at the bottom of this page, but be aware of these common oversights:
Questions/Contacts: Virginia Beach Art Center 532 Virginia Beach Blvd. Suite A Virginia Beach, VA 23451 [email protected] www.artcentervb.org |
532 Virginia Beach Blvd. Virginia Beach, VA 23451 (17th Street between Baltic and Mediterranean Aves.--the Purple Building) Hours:
Monday Closed Tues.-Fri. 10am-5pm Sat. 10am-4pm Sun. 12pm-4pm Free parking, Free entry Virginia Beach Art Center is a harassment-free environment and does not discriminate based on race, color, religion, gender, national origin, age, disability, political affiliation, genetics, sexual orientation or any other classification protected by law. Art displayed in the building is the sole expression of the individual artist and does not reflect the opinion or position of VBAC or its board of directors, volunteers or staff.
The Art Center building is handicapped accessible. The Virginia Beach Art Center is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization. Donations to the Virginia Beach Art Center are tax-deductible. The Art Center's financial statement is available upon written request from the Office of Charitable and Regulatory Programs.
Copyright 2021: All content on this website is copyrighted by The Virginia Beach Art Center.
All artist images are copyright owned by the artist. No content from this site may be saved, copied or reproduced without permission. All rights reserved. |
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